Why Might You Need a Large Sewage Treatment Plant?

Sewage treatment plants come in many different sizes. While most are for domestic properties and are fairly small-scale, some need to be ‘sized up’ for a variety of reasons. Here Gilson Environmental Services, who are leading sewage treatment plant installers in...

Common Internal Issues with Sewage Treatment Plants

Modern sewage treatment plants generally fall into one of three categories – bio disc, air operated and pumped systems. Although they are more sophisticated than some of the other non-mains drainage systems, including septic tanks and cess pits, treatment plants can...

An Important Update to the General Binding Rules

The Environment Agency has announced two updates to the General Binding Rules covering small sewage discharges (SSDs). They affect owners of new septic tanks and sewage treatment plants; here Gilson Environmental Services, who can commission, install and maintain both...
Three Key Plumbing Inventions in the UK Home

Three Key Plumbing Inventions in the UK Home

We probably take many household features for granted these days, particularly when it comes to the plumbing. Flushing toilets, baths and showers are part of our everyday lives, and have been for many years. Here Gilson Environmental Services, who deal with septic tank...